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The Portofino Coast watched from the sea

There are two things never missing in Liguria and these are the sea and the wind. In one gorgeous day of March we were invited from the “Portofino Coast Group” to live a new and  wonderful  adventure, the discovery of our own territory travelling by sailboat. The sun and the sea were in our favor, […]


On 14th April 2016 we have the pleasure to present a wonderful book dedicated to the Ligurian Cuisine called “LIGURIA SALUTE In CUCINA _- Cinquemila metri di bellezza gusto tradizione” It is more than a culinary travel through Liguria, imagined from the most deep abyss (over 2850m the maximum depth that Ligurian sea can reach) […]

Hotel Cenobio dei Dogi – BLOG

Feeling like Home…Your Home at the Sea We are very happy to introduce to you our new blog! We are glad to share with you some experiences made in our territory, our flavors, the history, the tradition and the several activities that make unique the discovery of our Liguria. Through our tales we will try […]