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Magic Sunset in Liguria

When autumn arrives the days become more and more short and less sunny. While the days passed the daylight starts to weakened, already during the afternoon, leaving its the warmth and the colours that can create, brightening the land with its rays. In the evening the true show begins, the Sun is reflected in the blue sea with its wonderful warm colours: red, orange and pink while further away from it the sky keeps its amazing light blue shade.


Sunset in Camogli


You can enjoy the colours of the sunset both in autumn and in winter, at least in seaside territory as Liguria. It is probably this element that makes the difference: the infinite blue of the sky blends with the sea, where the Sun, the clouds and the stars reflect themselves. The beauty of these sunsets in Liguria is enjoyable from the seaside promenades of its maritime villages as well as in the inland on the hills that are just on the background of the cities: this region is a stripe of land where perfectly coexist both sea and mountains.


Sunset from Cenobio dei Dogi


In Liguria the passage from fall to winter do not take away the colours’intensity, it simply gives different tone of colour to appreciate. For this reason you won’t probably enjoy the deep blue of the sky but another deep colour, usually that can tend to a cinder grey if there are clouds to cover it. The Sun won’t lose its golden shade, but it will blend with the red to become a big red spot in its reflection on the sea. Maybe the landscape will be less vibrant, but not less charming. The transition from autumn to winter is very soft in this region, the mild climate helps to adjust to the cold season without regretting the carefreeness of summer. In some days it is still possible to enjoy one day at the beach and dive your feet in the water or hiking in the forests or in the countryside without taking your coat with you.


Sunset in Liguria


Even the ritual of the aperitif is still enjoyable, a nice distraction from the work of the week, and is still possible to have it outside the bars. What makes the moment even special is to drink your cocktail while admiring the beautiful sunset colours. It is difficult to find this atmosphere combined with the warm temperature anywhere else despite the latitude of the region. For sure another city with no merge on the sea, with his frenzy of cars always running in the streets, won’t have the same harmony that a seaside city can give.
The same lighter shade of red of the warm Sun recalls the colour of the foliage still on the trees. It is very easy to come across this scenery: in many cases the forests are very close to the sea. If you just leave behind the sea you will find the hills painted in red and yellow. If the sea will give treasures as fishes, mussels and crustaceans, the same will do the wood: fall is the period of chestnuts and mushrooms. Moreover the villages feasts keep on taking place also in this season.