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New Years’ Eve in Camogli

It is never too soon to start to thing about what to do at New Year’s Eve. Even we at Cenobio are starting to get ready to celebrate the end of 2018 and the start of an amazing 2019! Being in Camogli for New Year’s Eve, sure is a great opportunity to enjoy the charming show that the Winter Sea can offer you. We can actually uncover the Riviera in an unusual period of the year, in which tourism is slower and it is possible to enjoy the landscape, the delicacies and the towns with tranquillity. The warm climate is truly pleasant in the heart of wintertime. For all of you that decided to stay here with us in Camogli at New Year’s Eve, here some suggestions on what to do on the night of December 31st in our wonderful maritime village.


New Year’s Eve Dinner



Wherever you will decide to spend your New Year’s Eve, you know that dinner is a must. A long and rich dinner with the parents is proper of the Italian tradition and it is made in order to wish happiness and good fortune for the new year. As Camogli is a maritime village, fish will be the star of the dinner. All the dinner tables in the houses and in the restaurants, will propose the best quality catch, some true delicacies that we suggest not to miss. Our menu proposal will be tasty and of high quality as well. We will start with a Cannolo filled with truffle and salted codfish cream, to continue with some delicious entrées both with seafood and meat. After dinner you can enjoy live music at our piano Bar. You are all invited to celebrate with us!
Would you like to know more about this event? Click here and see our New Year’s Eve Menu! !


Live concert in Colombo’s Square 

New Year’s Eve means music, dance and celebrations…even here in Camogli! From 10.30 pm Columbus’ Square, the main one of the village, will become an open air dancehall with a live music show. What better way to wait for the new year than dancing all together? Everyone is invited.


New Year’s show at the Teatro Sociale



For those who prefer a more cultural approach to spend their New Year’s Eve, in Teatro Sociale this year will be taking place the piece The Living Paper Cartoon by Ennio Marchetto. “A show that is a true Babylon of music, theatre and creativity”. What will surprise you will be the amazing and colorful paper made costumes that will appear on the stage. Thanks to these costumes, Marchetto is able to give life and voice to many famous Italian and International personalities. After the show there will be a toast and the typical celebration along with the artist.
The show will begin at 22.15 pm.


Fireworks on the sea



At midnight, after the toast and the greetings, the celebration will go on.
At half past midnight the sky and the sea of the village will light up with fireworks on the pier of Rivo Giorgio. The best place to see them will be along the seaside promenade. From there you will enjoy an amazing show. Colorful lights and several incredible shapes will adorn the sky and reflect in the deep blues sea, donating a moment of beauty and emotion to keep inside your heart all year long.
Would you like to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Camogli? Contact us!

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