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Freedom. An ancestral and untamed force, an essential condition for expressing ourselves in our depths, fulfilling our desires and realizing our individuality. Determination that overcomes prejudices, stereotypes and limitations, beyond pressure and restraints. This is the topic of the 9th edition of the Camogli 2022 Festival of Communication – conceived and directed by Rosangela Bonsignorio and Danco Singer-the first event in Italy dedicated to communication, which over time has become a major identity project for the seaside village. It will be held from September 8 to 11 and will have more than 160 guests in more than 100 heterogeneous meetings: including conferences, aperitifs, reviews, shows, excursions, exhibitions and workshops.



In each edition, the event aims to create a high-level, popular cultural event designed to plumb major contemporary issues related to communication. This year the concept of freedom was chosen: a broad, debated topic that cuts across historical eras, generations and theoretical perspectives. Ideal for creating room for discussion, collaboration and in-depth analysis that the Festival aims to be.


The event directed to everyone, adults, children and families.  The goal is to take into account our condition, what defines our choices, beyond social, religious and moral influences. The meetings aim to explore freedom in relation to the era we live in, where fake news, social opinion, polarized debates and individualism reign. Where the financial model (whatever that may be) emphasizes the boundaries within which we should act.


In this context, arts, culture and music play an important role, as well as psychology, history, sociology and scientific research, for the first time at the Festival. In particular, technological innovations that often enhance human abilities, revolutionizing the world of work, creating new worlds and instilling ethical doubts never before addressed. It is a place that gathers fellowships and ideas that will help enrich everyone who lands there.


An intense, stimulating and rich program featuring diverse guests



The Festival of Communication began with Umberto Eco in the summer of 2013, and since that time Camogli has seen some great guests arrive. From the world of print communication to web communication, to economics and law, to history, sociology, psychology, literature, anthropology and philosophy, music, filmmaking and art, and for the first time this year science and technology as well.


To see the full list of guests click here


We will take you with us on the discovery of this extensive event, giving you some previews of what is going to happen throughout these days, meeting after meeting.



An opening day that lives up to expectations with a lectio magistralis by Alessandro Barbero about freedom. Then journalist Enrico Mentana will continue with a talk on the freedom to inform; and Gherardo Colombo will debate harmony and evil. In the evening, Daria Bignardi and Severino Salvemini will give their perspective on literature and storytelling, and Moni Ovadia and Aldo Cazzullo will perform in the show “Il duce delinquente.”


On Friday, Roberto Cotroneo will inaugurate the event by presenting Rosangela Bonsignorio’s new book, “I prefer the wind’s melody”; for the first time at the Festival, there will be a debate about science and freedom thanks to the collaboration with the University of Genoa, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Human Technopole and the Privacy Guarantor. For instance, the meeting with Giorgio Metta and Guido Scorza with Luca De Biase on artificial intelligence between technological progress and law; the event goes on with one of the four meetings, entitled “Home sapiens: the long march” with Stefano Allievi, Silvia Ferrara and Guido Barbujani, initiatives organized in collaboration with Ferrovie dello Stato, aimed at examining the importance of travel as a tool for knowledge, awareness and freedom.



Saturday’s “Breakfast with the Author” will have as lead topic the poetry of Guido Catalano. Then we will take “A Dive into Science” with Stefano Barberis, Andrea Bonfiglio, Gianluca Cerruti, discussing about how energy transition meets economic efficiency.  Under a more mystical profile Mario Tozzi with Piergiorgio Odifreddi will debate the relationship between science and miracles. Then Francesca Trivellato with Ilaria Pavan and Federico Fubini will give a speech about reality, myths and persecutions. Speaking of journey, Crepet will present “Lessons of dreams – a rediscovered educational method” talking about love, desire, emotion and metaverse. In the evening some will be made for music, also a protagonist of the Festival with the wonderful Multiethnic Orchestra of Arezzo with Stefano Massini, in homage to Giorgio Gaber.



Sunday morning is dedicated to new forms of expression in “Mondo Podcast” with Daniel Lumera, Emiliano Toso, who will lead a meditation class on the beach at the crack of dawn. Amongst historical friends of Camogli and new main figures the morning Press Review starts off with Luca Bizzarri and Francesco Costa, among the leading names of Italian journalism present at the Festival. After that, guests from the world of entrepreneurship such as Oscar Farinetti and Antonio Baravalle will intertain us with “The chicken came first.”


Grand finale with the “Communication Award 2022” to Luciana Littizzetto, for “her contagious likability and her provocative and irreverent way of communicating – free from all constraints – she is able to make irony about the human side that unites us all (from the powerful to the simple citizen), grasp the contradictions of our living, tell current events with lucid humor” ( Anticipations, Festival of Communication). The musical show of Irene Grandi with the concert “Io in Blues” will close the event.


These are just some of the rendezvous of this large event, including exhibitions, concerts, performances and lectures; There, Guests happen to create sometimes unusual mixes, delve into the concept of freedom from all perspectives, giving viewers surprising points of view. All of this makes the Festival an exceptional, one-of-a-kind venue.



In such a prestigious and important context, as usual Hotel Cenobio dei Dogi gladly supports the Camogli 2022 Festival of Communication: offering accommodation to guests and making its spaces available to the event, acting as a logistic-organizational centre. The Hotel enthusiastically participates to the event, firmly believing in the value of the Festival, the people behind it and the cultural richness it brings not only to Camogli, but to all those who take part in it, as well.