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Spring Wedding Day – a day dedicate to the brides and grooms to be

The day in which you will exchange the rings and profess your eternal love and loyalty is one of the most exiting of your life. It is a memory that will last forever and for this reason every detail has to be chosen and organized with care.
Dress aside, which of course for a bride remains one of the most romantic and important aspect of the wedding, the location in which they choose celebrate the union with the partner certainly follow as importance. It must be a very special place.

Is it not Hotel Cenobio dei Dogi a beautiful and charming location by the sea? If you haven’t decided the location yet, this can be the solution for your wedding.
We wait for you on Sunday March 18th from 10 am at the Wedding Day here at the hotel to give you all the information and suggestions that you may need.
To be precise it is our Deputy Manager Paola Pastine who is in charge with the organization of weddings and help the future brides and grooms throughout the process.
We interviewed her to see what Cenobio dei Dogi can offer you for the most important day of your life.

How long have you been organizing weddings here at Cenobio dei Dogi?
“I am in charge of it from 2015, but there was always an internal organization for weddings at the Hotel”

Is it Cenobio a very requested location?
“Yes, it is. Many people decide every year to get married here, but that is not the end of it: we normally guest second marriage or anniversaries of those who married here in the past years. The event organization extend to baptisms, holy communions and birthday parties”.

I presume the reception hall for the event is not the only thing that the Hotel offers as a Wedding location.
“Exactly, I also offer the contacts of professional photographers, video operators, musicians for the ceremony and DJ set for the reception. Moreover, I suggest dealerships for classic cars, hairstylists and make up artist, the florist, the shop in which to buy the best sugared almond and for the “bomboniere” (party favour) we proposed the ones produced by the Centre for disable people of Benedetto Acquarone in Chiavari, as well as kids entertainment and from this year the contacts for travel agency and the jewellery for the rings”.

What sort of couples do you meet?
“Among Italian couples we have mainly people from Milan, but also I work with many couples from abroad. Some people propose to their beloved right here in our Restaurant il Doge and so it comes natural to close the circle and get married Camogli at the Hotel.
Some chose the Hotel because their parents got married here”.

Which are the most common nationalities?
“They come from many different countries, mainly from Switzerland, Great Britain, USA, Northern Europe and this June we will guest the marriage of an Australian couple”.

In this case do the couple rely on you for the organization?
“Yes, I usually organize everything and the couples rely on my suggestions. They love our Cucina ligure of which our Chef is a true expert, so the food is never an issue”

How about Italian couples?
“They are meticulous and normally have very precise ideas on what they want for their special day”.