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“Civilization” this is the main theme that will be analyse and will serve as origin to open the debate, the interviews and the conference that will animate Camogli from September 12th to September 15th 2019.
In those days in fact, it will take place the well-known Communication Festival: a cultural event that every September, since 2013, allures many important guests, as well as many visitors.
Everyone desires to take part to a unique cultural and exiting festival, organized in background even more amazing, which is Camogli and its sea.


Civilization: theme of 2019

The theme of the communication festival 2019 in Camogli


Created in 2013 by Rosaria Bonsignorio, Danco Singer and Umberto Eco (who today is thought as a Godfather to this event), the Communication Festival of Camogli proposed every year a new thematic on which the guest and the visitors are called to reflect and think. In 2017, the theme was “connections”; in 2018, it was “Visions”.
This year the Festival will propose a timeless theme, always actual, the one of “Civilizations”.

A word full of meaning and shades that will be thoroughly explored in the interventions in program.
Civilization is in fact a word that reflects the identity of a community, but is also the connection between men and their conquests in terms of materials and technology. It also means, as you can read in the Festival website: “living “together”, the civic sense and a certain vision of the Society, of the relationships with others, an idea of border and barbarities.
It is also the relationship with the natural environment and with a geographical territory […]. Civilization also means potential identities, a work of collective willingness, and a future project that has a direct and important impact on the present life, on politics and on societies”.


Communication Festival 2019: The Guests

Piero Angela, one of the guest at the communication festival 2019


All these meanings around the word “Civilization” will be taken in consideration and further explored in the 4 days of the festival, following a calendar of more than 100 conferences.
On the festival website, you will be able to find the complete list of all the guests that will participate to the edition 2019.
Among the vip will partecipate Piero Angela, Alessandro Baricco, Enrico Mentana, Piergiorgio Odifreddi, Moni Ovada and Gustavo Zagrebelsky.
Every year one of the Guest of honour is rewarded with the “Communication Prize”, an award given to the person who “has been capable through different ways of communicate to enhance the critical thoughts and make an active contribute to the individual and collective growth”.
In 2019, the award will go to Stefano Massini, well known at an international level, as novelist, essayist, and author of theatrical works. Massini will receive the award in the Teatro Sociale on Sunday September 15th at 7 pm, after his speech with title “Civilization and imaginary Cities: Gotham City, Duckburg and other visions”.


theatre of Camogli, Communication festival


Innovation Of 2019: The Podcast

Great innovation of this year is the Podcast Festival: it is an event organized by the Communication Festival here in Camogli, with the collaboration of Audible, Rai Radio 3 and Camogli City Hall. Three days dedicated to the new frontier of Communication and of the storytelling: the podcast.
The Podcast Festival held this year, from June 7th to June 9th was the perfect opportunity to uncover the secrets of this new, powerful media of communication, which potential needs to be fully exploited.


The Festival and The Hotel Cenobio dei Dogi

Cenobio during the Comminucation festival in Camogli


Every year Hotel Cenobio dei Dogi participates with pleasure and pride to the Communication Festival (and this year to the Podcast Festival as well).
We offer our space and services as well as our logistic support, sure to sustain a cultural initiative of great value that brings honour to us and to Camogli.